As a young adult language learner turned translation expert, I’m frequently asked, ‘How does one master a new language?’ This question hits close to home, reflecting both my personal language journey and professional experience.
In this article, my goal is to simplify the language learning process. It’s an adventure filled with challenges and triumphs, transitioning from beginner curiosity to achieving fluency. Drawing on my own experiences and professional insights, I’ll examine key factors to consider when choosing a language program.
With so many language learning programs to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. To help you when shopping around for language instructional courses and programs, here are some essential questions to ask:
Is the Content Ideal for Practical Use?
Simply learning vocabulary isn’t going to cut it. Random sentences constructed just to teach you sentence structure won’t help you have a real conversation in your new language.
To really understand and learn a language, you need to know when and how to use certain words and expressions. The phrases you learn should be created by native speakers and come from authentic real-life conversations. A good program delivers lessons with practical content for navigating everyday situations.
Does the Program Incorporate a Language Lab?
A language lab is a way to transform a passive language teaching class into an active learning environment based on speaking the language. This is especially important for beginners as it helps students spend more time learning to speak and actually use the target language.
Does the Program Involve Audio and Visual Content?
A language learning program that is based on text only will not be effective. You need an audio experience that helps you absorb how a language sounds and lets you practice and compare your pronunciation in company with a native speaker. A more interactive and friendly environment is also created if you can also see the speaker.
Does the Language Course Provide You With Language Practice Partners?
Trying to speak in another language for the first time can be intimidating, but confidence only comes with practice. Look for a language learning program that pairs you up with practice partners. This is especially important for intermediate and advanced language students who are no longer on the beginner track.
Do You Have 24/7 Access to Lessons?
Does the program work on all your devices so you can access it whenever it’s convenient for you? It’s best not to sign up for any program with a rigid teaching schedule. Language learning on your mobile phone will give you a sense of freedom of time and place, so you can make the most of your spare time to learn a second language.
Does the Program Keep Track of Your Study Hours?
You need a program that incorporates accountability. The program should keep you motivated and remind you when you are lagging in the amount of time you have put in and when you have skipped a lesson.
Once you have a few new friends to practice your language with, ask them to be accountability partners. This approach means that language partners can hold each other accountable, and learning is accelerated for everyone.
Language Learning Programs: Final Thoughts
There is no doubt that immersive experiences are the best way to learn new languages. When you can frequently practice speaking with native speakers and other language learners, you will gradually build up your confidence in conversing naturally and comfortably in your new language. And, what a thrill it will give you!